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Plantar Fasciitis Questions And Answers

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When a person is unfortunate enough to develop painful problems with their feet, it can be possible for them to experience a range of disruptions to their normal routines. Sadly, many individuals will not be very informed about the type of foot problems that they can encounter, which can make it beneficial for them to learn some answers to basic questions about these issues.

How Would You Know Whether You Suffer From Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is one of the more common and more painful problems that a person's feet can develop. This issue is essentially a type of repetitive stress injury that can impact the supportive tissue in the foot. More specifically, this type of injury can damage the tissue that connects the heel to the toes. When an individual starts to develop this problem, they may experience an intense pain in their foot when they put weight on it, and this pain can increase as the damage to the tissue continues to worsen.

What Can Be Done To Treat Plantar Fasciitis?

When a person is unfortunate enough to suffer from plantar fasciitis, there are a number of treatments that may be used to combat this problem, and the exact treatment that will be used is determined by the extent of the damage to the foot. For example, individuals that have a mild instance of this injury may be able to correct it through the use of a special boot that will restrict the movement of the foot while this tissue heals or special exercises to gradually strengthen this tissue. For individuals that are unfortunate enough to suffer from severe plantar fasciitis, surgery at a clinic like Advanced Foot Clinic may be necessary to repair the damage to this tissue.

Will Plantar Fasciitis Surgery Have A Lengthy Recovery Time?

Individuals that need to undergo surgery to correct their plantar fasciitis may assume that this surgery will be immensely painful and disruptive. While it is true that the surgery for this procedure will cause mild discomfort and disruptions, most patients will find that they recover fairly quickly. In fact, most patients will find that they can return to their normal schedules and activities within a couple of weeks of undergoing this type of surgery. However, the exact time needed to recover will vary from one person to another, and you will need to have your recovery monitored by your doctor before you resume exercising or other strenuous activities. Resuming these activities prematurely can damage the connective tissue before it is able to heal.
