Recognizing Serious Foot Injuries

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When to Seek Help from a Podiatrist: Common Foot Issues You Shouldn't Ignore

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As we go about our daily lives, it’s easy to overlook the health of our feet. However, our feet play a crucial role in our overall well-being and mobility. Ignoring foot problems can lead to more severe issues down the line. Visiting a podiatrist can help diagnose and treat various foot conditions before they escalate. Here are some common foot issues that warrant a visit to a podiatry office. Persistent Foot Pain…

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What Is A Bunion And How Is It Removed?

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A bunion forms on the foot when the toes begin to move inward, forcing the bone on the side of the big toe or the pinky toe to be pushed outward. The bunion is essentially the bone on the foot becoming deformed, and over time if left in this state, can become very painful for you to walk or to do just about anything. Even wearing certain types of shoes may be painful for you.…

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Can Foot Reconstruction Surgery Help Diabetes Patients?

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When not diagnosed or managed carefully, diabetes can cause lasting physical changes to the body. Foot deformities are among the most difficult and life-impacting side-effects of this disorder. But whereas foot damage from diabetes could only be slowed until amputation was needed, modern medicine is able to significantly improve diabetic patients’ prognosis. These are a few of the ways foot reconstruction can repair and even reverse the effects of diabetes.…

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Reasons You Might Lose A Toenail And What A Podiatrist Can Do To Help

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The loss of a toenail due to an injury is called an avulsion. When a podiatrist removes a toenail, the procedure is called a medical avulsion. The loss of a toenail can be painful, depending on the reason the nail was lost. Here are reasons you could lose a toenail and what to do when it happens. Causes Of A Toenail Avulsion You can lose a toenail due to a sudden injury, repetitive injuries, and infections.…

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How To Alleviate Pain In Your Heels

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Pain in the heel can be troublesome, especially if you’re on your feet all day long. If you have pain in your heels, it may end up leaving you very uncomfortable, even after you are at rest. If you’re beginning to lose sleep because of your pain in your heels, or you are beginning to change how you walk because of the pain, it’s time to do something about this pain.…

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What To Do If You Have Plantar Fasciitis

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Plantar fasciitis is a condition of the foot where the tendon that stretches from the toe up to the middle of the heel becomes inflamed. The pain you feel may be like needles in your foot, or may feel like a burning pain in your foot. The pain may only be when you first begin to walk, but as you go through your day, it may get better. You may also feel this pain when you are at rest, as opposed to when you are moving.…

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3 Possible Causes Of Chronically Itchy Feet

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Most people experience itchy feet every now and then. Maybe your feet are a little sweaty, so they feel itchy until you wash them. Or maybe you get bitten by a spider, and your feet itch for a day or two until the bite heals. But what if your feet always seem to be itchy? It’s important not to ignore this symptom since there is almost always a cause that you can identify and treat to gain relief.…

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Taking Part in Podiatry Clinical Trials

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Complex clinical trials are conducted across medical fields, including podiatry. Some of the patients who have struggled with podiatry problems might want to help contribute to podiatry research by becoming subjects in clinical trials. Many patients should be eligible for these clinical trials, regardless of their insurance policies.  Patients Can Join Clinical Trials That Relate to Podiatry Even if They Don’t Have Health or Medical Insurance Some people think that they will need health insurance in order to volunteer for clinical trials of any kind.…

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Feet On Fire? It May Be Time For A Foot Specialist

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Problems with the feet are common. After all, they carry the weight of your body around your entire life. Aging, as well as disease and injury, take their toll over time. One common problem most people experience at least once over the course of a lifetime is feet that feel like they are hot or burning. Here is a look at four conditions that can lead to this annoying symptom.…

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Prepare Yourself For Recovery From Ankle Replacement Surgery When You Live Alone

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If you are getting ready to have ankle replacement surgery and live by yourself, you may wonder how you are going to cope with taking care of yourself while recovering. If so, use the tips below to prepare yourself beforehand for recovery from ankle replacement surgery when you live alone. Stock up on Microwavable Meals After your surgery, especially in the few days that follow, you are not going to be on your feet very often.…

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