Recognizing Serious Foot Injuries

Reasons You Might Lose A Toenail And What A Podiatrist Can Do To Help

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The loss of a toenail due to an injury is called an avulsion. When a podiatrist removes a toenail, the procedure is called a medical avulsion. The loss of a toenail can be painful, depending on the reason the nail was lost. Here are reasons you could lose a toenail and what to do when it happens. Causes Of A Toenail Avulsion You can lose a toenail due to a sudden injury, repetitive injuries, and infections.…

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How To Alleviate Pain In Your Heels

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Pain in the heel can be troublesome, especially if you’re on your feet all day long. If you have pain in your heels, it may end up leaving you very uncomfortable, even after you are at rest. If you’re beginning to lose sleep because of your pain in your heels, or you are beginning to change how you walk because of the pain, it’s time to do something about this pain.…

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What To Do If You Have Plantar Fasciitis

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Plantar fasciitis is a condition of the foot where the tendon that stretches from the toe up to the middle of the heel becomes inflamed. The pain you feel may be like needles in your foot, or may feel like a burning pain in your foot. The pain may only be when you first begin to walk, but as you go through your day, it may get better. You may also feel this pain when you are at rest, as opposed to when you are moving.…

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