Recognizing Serious Foot Injuries

3 Possible Causes Of Chronically Itchy Feet

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Most people experience itchy feet every now and then. Maybe your feet are a little sweaty, so they feel itchy until you wash them. Or maybe you get bitten by a spider, and your feet itch for a day or two until the bite heals. But what if your feet always seem to be itchy? It’s important not to ignore this symptom since there is almost always a cause that you can identify and treat to gain relief.…

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Taking Part in Podiatry Clinical Trials

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Complex clinical trials are conducted across medical fields, including podiatry. Some of the patients who have struggled with podiatry problems might want to help contribute to podiatry research by becoming subjects in clinical trials. Many patients should be eligible for these clinical trials, regardless of their insurance policies.  Patients Can Join Clinical Trials That Relate to Podiatry Even if They Don’t Have Health or Medical Insurance Some people think that they will need health insurance in order to volunteer for clinical trials of any kind.…

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Feet On Fire? It May Be Time For A Foot Specialist

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Problems with the feet are common. After all, they carry the weight of your body around your entire life. Aging, as well as disease and injury, take their toll over time. One common problem most people experience at least once over the course of a lifetime is feet that feel like they are hot or burning. Here is a look at four conditions that can lead to this annoying symptom.…

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