Recognizing Serious Foot Injuries

Experiencing Big Toe Joint Pain? Get Answers To The Questions You May Have

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If you are experiencing big toe joint pain, you may be uncomfortable when you walk, run or trying to perform any other physical activity. Fortunately, the pain does tend to subside when you stay off of your feet. If you are experiencing this type of pain, you may have many questions, such as what is causing the pain and when you should see a doctor about it. Here are a few of the frequently asked questions you may have about big toe joint pain and the answers.…

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The Top Four Reasons Runners Experience Toenail Fungus

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Toenail fungus is definitely something you want to avoid, not only to ensure that you don’t have unsightly looking feet, but also to ensure that you have healthy feet. Many people are prone to toenail fungus, but especially those who participate in certain activities, such as running. Here are the top four reasons runners experience toenail fungus: Running Barefoot: While running barefoot on the beach may seem ideal, it’s definitely something that should be avoided.…

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Three Common Shoe Fitting Issues And The Issues They Can Cause

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The importance of properly fitted shoes cannot be understated. Wearing shoes that don’t fit well can lead to a whole array of foot problems, some of which appear suddenly and others of which develop slowly over time. But finding the best-fitting shoes is not always as easy as you’d hope. A good approach is to assess shoe fit by checking for three main fitting issues. Each of these fitting issues can lead to different foot problems.…

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